Ni siku ya Ijumaa tarehe 19/11/2010 kama ada tunafika katika chumba cha mafunzo na kukutana na mgeni,huyu si mwengine bali ni mwandishi wa siklu nyingi hapa nchini Mwalimu MAGGID MJENGWA.
Toka siku ya kwanza tulijulishwa na wenyeji wetu MISA Tan kuwa siku ya mwisho atakuwepo huyu bwana kwa ajili ya somo la “blogg”.
Mjengwa alianza kwa kutusalimu na kisha kutupatia historia fupi ya maisha yake kwa ufupi kwa njia ya simulizi.
Hakika ni historia iliyojaa changamoto kweli na mtu wa kuigwa.
Anaanza kutuingiza katika somo na zaidi namna ya kuandika hasa kwenye mitandao na kupata mafanikio.
Ni somo gumu kiasi kwetu ambao weledi wa “computer’sio mzuri sana lakini kwa uzoefu wake anatupeleka taratibu na wengi tunapata mwanga juu ya somo.
Anatumia mifano halisi kufundisha na hili linawasaidia sana washiriki.
Mjengwa anatupa pia ujuzi wa namna ya kusoma maoni katika blogg zetu nk,pia kuhusu namna ya kuingiza picha katika blogg zetu na vitu kama hivyo.
Mwisho anatuachia ujumbe wa kujiaamini,kujitambua na kasha kuthubutu iwapo tunataka kufanikiwa maishani.
Hii ni mada ya mwisho katika mafunzo yetu kwa leo.Lakini kwa hakika kwa siku zote tano tulizokaa hapa darasani zimekuwa siku za thamani mno kwetu.
Kila tulichojifunza ni muhimu kwa mwandishi wa habari wa zama hizi za sayansi na teknolojia.
Tunawashukuru sana waandaaji MISA Tan na mwezeshaji Peik Johansson kutoka Finland.
Wito wetu kwao ni kuwa na fursa kama hizi mara nyingi na kwa waandishi tofauti wa habari kadri watakavyokuwa na uwezo na fursa ili kusaidia nchi yetu kuwa na waandishi mahiri zaidi.
Assalaam alaykum!!
ARUSHA 16/11/2010
All about the societies
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
September 11
There is no consensus of who was behind the 9 / 11
September 10, 2008
WPO_911_Sep08_img.jpgA poll of 17 countries found that majorities in only nine of them believe that al Qaeda was behind the attacks of 9 / 11 terrorist attacks in the United States.
In no country did most agree on another possible perpetrator, but in many countries significant minority cited the U.S. government itself and in a few countries, Israel. These responses were given spontaneously and obvious question that did not provide answers options.
On average, 46 percent said that al Qaeda was behind the attacks while 15 percent say the U.S. government, seven percent Israel, and seven percent some other perpetrator. One out of four said they did not know.
"Given the extraordinary impact of the attacks of 9 / 11 have had on world affairs, it is remarkable that seven years later there was no international consensus about who was behind them," comments Steven Kull, director of
Even in European countries, majorities said that al Qaeda was behind the 9 / 11 is not very large. Fifty-seven percent of British, 56 percent of Italians, 63 percent French and 64 percent of Germans gave the example of al Qaeda. However, the important part of the British (26%), French (23%) and Italy (21%) said they did not know who was behind the 9 / 11 is amazing., 23 percent of Germans had cited the U.S. government, as did percent Italy 15.
Publics in the Middle East were especially likely to name the perpetrators more than al Qaeda. Egypt, 43 percent said that Israel was behind the attacks, as did 31 percent in Jordan and 19 percent in the Palestinian territories. The U.S. government was named by 36 percent of Turks and 27 percent of Palestinians. The number who said al Qaeda was behind the attacks range from 11 percent in Jordan and 42 percent in the Palestinian territories.
WPO_911_Sep08_graph.jpgThe only countries with overwhelming majorities citing al Qaeda were African countries, Kenya (77%) and Nigeria (71%). In Nigeria, a large number of Muslims (64%) also said that al Qaeda was behind the attacks (compared to 79% of Nigerian Christians).
choice of 16,063 participants conducted between July 15 and August 31, 2008 by, a collaborative research project involving research centers around the world and managed by the Program for International Policy Attitudes (drums) at the University of Maryland. Margins of error range from + / -3 to 4 percent.
The interview was conducted in 17 countries, including most of the nation's largest - China, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Russia - as well as Egypt, France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Mexico, the states of Palestine, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, and Ukraine. States and represent 38% of world population.
Participants were asked who you thought was behind the attacks of 9 / 11? "Their answers were categorized into four response groups:" Al Qaeda, "the U.S. government," Israel, "or". Another "Any answers that approximated al Qaeda, such as" Bin Laden "or" strict Muslim, "were categorized along with those who say al Qaeda. Those who simply characterized the perpetrators as "Arabs", "Saudis," or "Egyptians" (3% on average) were included in "other races."
Participants in Asia had a mixed response. Clear majorities of Taiwan (53%) and South Korea (51%) name al Qaeda, but 17 percent of South Korea said a large number of U.S. government in both countries said they do not know (Taiwan 34%, South Korea 22 %).
Majorities of Chinese (56%) and Indonesians (57%) said they did not know, and giving a few key reasons the U.S. government (Indonesia 14%, China 9%).
Large numbers of Russians to open (57%) and quantity of Ukrainians (42%) say al Qaeda was behind the attacks. But a few important recognition by the U.S. government (15% in all cases) and large numbers do not provide an answer (Ukrainians 39%, Russians 19%).
Out of all the countries polled, Mexico had the second-largest number citing the U.S. government as the perpetrators of 9 / 11 (30%, after Turkey at 36%). Only 33 percent named al Qaeda.
Although people with more education generally have more exposure to information, those with more education were less likely to praise the only 9 / 11 and al Qaeda. Steven Kull comments, "It does appear that these beliefs can only be attributed to lack of exposure to information."
A stronger correlate of beliefs about 9 / 11 were the participants' attitudes about the United States. Those with a positive view of U.S. influence in the world were more likely to cite al Qaeda (on average 59%) than those with negative attitude (40%). Those who have a positive view of America were also less likely to blame the U.S. government (7%) than those with negative attitude (22%).
September 10, 2008
WPO_911_Sep08_img.jpgA poll of 17 countries found that majorities in only nine of them believe that al Qaeda was behind the attacks of 9 / 11 terrorist attacks in the United States.
In no country did most agree on another possible perpetrator, but in many countries significant minority cited the U.S. government itself and in a few countries, Israel. These responses were given spontaneously and obvious question that did not provide answers options.
On average, 46 percent said that al Qaeda was behind the attacks while 15 percent say the U.S. government, seven percent Israel, and seven percent some other perpetrator. One out of four said they did not know.
"Given the extraordinary impact of the attacks of 9 / 11 have had on world affairs, it is remarkable that seven years later there was no international consensus about who was behind them," comments Steven Kull, director of
Even in European countries, majorities said that al Qaeda was behind the 9 / 11 is not very large. Fifty-seven percent of British, 56 percent of Italians, 63 percent French and 64 percent of Germans gave the example of al Qaeda. However, the important part of the British (26%), French (23%) and Italy (21%) said they did not know who was behind the 9 / 11 is amazing., 23 percent of Germans had cited the U.S. government, as did percent Italy 15.
Publics in the Middle East were especially likely to name the perpetrators more than al Qaeda. Egypt, 43 percent said that Israel was behind the attacks, as did 31 percent in Jordan and 19 percent in the Palestinian territories. The U.S. government was named by 36 percent of Turks and 27 percent of Palestinians. The number who said al Qaeda was behind the attacks range from 11 percent in Jordan and 42 percent in the Palestinian territories.
WPO_911_Sep08_graph.jpgThe only countries with overwhelming majorities citing al Qaeda were African countries, Kenya (77%) and Nigeria (71%). In Nigeria, a large number of Muslims (64%) also said that al Qaeda was behind the attacks (compared to 79% of Nigerian Christians).
choice of 16,063 participants conducted between July 15 and August 31, 2008 by, a collaborative research project involving research centers around the world and managed by the Program for International Policy Attitudes (drums) at the University of Maryland. Margins of error range from + / -3 to 4 percent.
The interview was conducted in 17 countries, including most of the nation's largest - China, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Russia - as well as Egypt, France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Mexico, the states of Palestine, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, and Ukraine. States and represent 38% of world population.
Participants were asked who you thought was behind the attacks of 9 / 11? "Their answers were categorized into four response groups:" Al Qaeda, "the U.S. government," Israel, "or". Another "Any answers that approximated al Qaeda, such as" Bin Laden "or" strict Muslim, "were categorized along with those who say al Qaeda. Those who simply characterized the perpetrators as "Arabs", "Saudis," or "Egyptians" (3% on average) were included in "other races."
Participants in Asia had a mixed response. Clear majorities of Taiwan (53%) and South Korea (51%) name al Qaeda, but 17 percent of South Korea said a large number of U.S. government in both countries said they do not know (Taiwan 34%, South Korea 22 %).
Majorities of Chinese (56%) and Indonesians (57%) said they did not know, and giving a few key reasons the U.S. government (Indonesia 14%, China 9%).
Large numbers of Russians to open (57%) and quantity of Ukrainians (42%) say al Qaeda was behind the attacks. But a few important recognition by the U.S. government (15% in all cases) and large numbers do not provide an answer (Ukrainians 39%, Russians 19%).
Out of all the countries polled, Mexico had the second-largest number citing the U.S. government as the perpetrators of 9 / 11 (30%, after Turkey at 36%). Only 33 percent named al Qaeda.
Although people with more education generally have more exposure to information, those with more education were less likely to praise the only 9 / 11 and al Qaeda. Steven Kull comments, "It does appear that these beliefs can only be attributed to lack of exposure to information."
A stronger correlate of beliefs about 9 / 11 were the participants' attitudes about the United States. Those with a positive view of U.S. influence in the world were more likely to cite al Qaeda (on average 59%) than those with negative attitude (40%). Those who have a positive view of America were also less likely to blame the U.S. government (7%) than those with negative attitude (22%).
Ghailani apatikana na hatia
Mshukiwa wa kwanza kutoka gereza la Guantanamo Bay kushtakiwa katika mahakama ya kiraia nchini Marekani, amepatikana na hatia ya kula njama ya kushambulia kwa bomu mali ya taifa la Marekani.
Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, raia wa Tanzania, alishtakiwa kwa kosa la kuhusika katika mashambulizi ya kundi la kigaidi la Al Qaeda, dhidi ya ubalozi wa Marekani nchini Kenya na Tanzania mwaka 1998.
Viongozi wa mashtaka wamesema Ahmed Ghailani, alichangia pakubwa katika maandalizi na mipango ya kundi la Al Qaeda ya kulipua balozi za marekani nchini Kenya na Tanzania.
Watu 224 waliuawa kufuatia mashambulio hayo mawili.
Mahakama hiyo ilifahamishwa kuwa Ghailani alinunua mitungi ya gesi zilizolipuka pamoja la lori iliyobeba vilipuzi hivyo.
Ghailani alikuwa anakabiliwa na mashataka 281 zikiwemo mauaji na jaribio la kuua.
Hatahivyo, Mahakama hiyo ilimpata bw Ghailani na hatia moja pekee ya kupanga kuharibu mali na majengo ya serikali.
Ushahidi uliokuwa umewasilishwa mbele ya mahakama hiyo ya Marekani dhidi ya mshukiwa huyo zimekataliwa na mahakama kwa sababu zilikusanywa na maafisa wa ujasusi wa Marekani CIA, katika magereza yasiyo rasmi nje ya Marekani kwa njia isiyofaa.
Maafisa hao wa ujasusi wanadaiwa kutumia mbinu kali kumhoji mshukiwa huyo,ikiwemo kumtesa ili akiri mashtaka dhidi yake na pia atoe habari zaidi.
Uamuzi huo wa mahakama unaonekana kuwa pigo kubwa kwa utawala wa Rais Barack Obama, wa Marekani na ahadi yake ya kuwafungulia mashtaka washukiwa wote wa ugaidi wanaozuiliwa katika jela la Guantanamo Bay, katika mahakama ya kiraia.
Maafisa wa serikali ya Marekani sasa wanachunguza upya jinsi ya kuendeleza kesi za washukiwa hao wa kigaidi, na hivyo kumaanisha jela hilo la Guantanamo Bay, iliyoko Cuba huenda isifungwe hivi karibuni.
Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, raia wa Tanzania, alishtakiwa kwa kosa la kuhusika katika mashambulizi ya kundi la kigaidi la Al Qaeda, dhidi ya ubalozi wa Marekani nchini Kenya na Tanzania mwaka 1998.
Viongozi wa mashtaka wamesema Ahmed Ghailani, alichangia pakubwa katika maandalizi na mipango ya kundi la Al Qaeda ya kulipua balozi za marekani nchini Kenya na Tanzania.
Watu 224 waliuawa kufuatia mashambulio hayo mawili.
Mahakama hiyo ilifahamishwa kuwa Ghailani alinunua mitungi ya gesi zilizolipuka pamoja la lori iliyobeba vilipuzi hivyo.
Ghailani alikuwa anakabiliwa na mashataka 281 zikiwemo mauaji na jaribio la kuua.
Hatahivyo, Mahakama hiyo ilimpata bw Ghailani na hatia moja pekee ya kupanga kuharibu mali na majengo ya serikali.
Ushahidi uliokuwa umewasilishwa mbele ya mahakama hiyo ya Marekani dhidi ya mshukiwa huyo zimekataliwa na mahakama kwa sababu zilikusanywa na maafisa wa ujasusi wa Marekani CIA, katika magereza yasiyo rasmi nje ya Marekani kwa njia isiyofaa.
Maafisa hao wa ujasusi wanadaiwa kutumia mbinu kali kumhoji mshukiwa huyo,ikiwemo kumtesa ili akiri mashtaka dhidi yake na pia atoe habari zaidi.
Uamuzi huo wa mahakama unaonekana kuwa pigo kubwa kwa utawala wa Rais Barack Obama, wa Marekani na ahadi yake ya kuwafungulia mashtaka washukiwa wote wa ugaidi wanaozuiliwa katika jela la Guantanamo Bay, katika mahakama ya kiraia.
Maafisa wa serikali ya Marekani sasa wanachunguza upya jinsi ya kuendeleza kesi za washukiwa hao wa kigaidi, na hivyo kumaanisha jela hilo la Guantanamo Bay, iliyoko Cuba huenda isifungwe hivi karibuni.
About the Green Belt Movement.
About the Green Belt Movement.
This is the movement formed by Kenyan Women with the main aim of preventing the environment of Kenya.
The Green Belt Movement is one of the most prominent women’s civil society organizations, based in Kenya, advocating for human rights and supporting good governance and peaceful democratic change through the protection of the environment.
Its mission is to empower communities worldwide to protect the environment and to promote good governance and cultures of peace.
The Green Belt Movement (GBM) was started in 1977 by Dr. Wangari Maathai, the first African woman and the first environmentalist to receive the Nobel Peace Prize (in 2004). It began as a grassroots tree planting program to address the challenges of deforestation, soil erosion and lack of water is now a vehicle for empowering women.
The act of planting a tree is helping women throughout Africa become stewards of the natural environment.
By protecting the environment, these women are also becoming powerful champions for sustainable management of scarce resources such as water, equitable economic development, good political governance, and ultimately peace.
Today, more than 40 million trees have been planted across Africa. The result: soil erosion has been reduced in critical watersheds, thousands of acres of biodiversity-rich indigenous forest have been restored and protected, and hundreds of thousands of women and their families are standing up for their rights and those of their communities and so are living healthier, more productive lives.
The End.
This is the movement formed by Kenyan Women with the main aim of preventing the environment of Kenya.
The Green Belt Movement is one of the most prominent women’s civil society organizations, based in Kenya, advocating for human rights and supporting good governance and peaceful democratic change through the protection of the environment.
Its mission is to empower communities worldwide to protect the environment and to promote good governance and cultures of peace.
The Green Belt Movement (GBM) was started in 1977 by Dr. Wangari Maathai, the first African woman and the first environmentalist to receive the Nobel Peace Prize (in 2004). It began as a grassroots tree planting program to address the challenges of deforestation, soil erosion and lack of water is now a vehicle for empowering women.
The act of planting a tree is helping women throughout Africa become stewards of the natural environment.
By protecting the environment, these women are also becoming powerful champions for sustainable management of scarce resources such as water, equitable economic development, good political governance, and ultimately peace.
Today, more than 40 million trees have been planted across Africa. The result: soil erosion has been reduced in critical watersheds, thousands of acres of biodiversity-rich indigenous forest have been restored and protected, and hundreds of thousands of women and their families are standing up for their rights and those of their communities and so are living healthier, more productive lives.
The End.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
WEDNESDAY 17 th November,2010
To day we start our day by learning on how to link our blogs with the blogs of our friends.
It was not a simple tusk and it take a long time to our tainer Peik Johanssen to transfer the knowledge to the participants.But all in all he was succeeded.
To my side I have linked with Peik,Mark and Deo.
From there we take our time to practice much on how to use internet as a tool of a modern journalist.
We visited a number of websites such as bbc swahili,voice of America,Aljazeera etc just to mention a few.
Lastly we have lean about Journalistic research via internet and take a time to practice on how a journalist can go through his/her research through the internet.
Thank you!!
WEDNESDAY 17 th November,2010
To day we start our day by learning on how to link our blogs with the blogs of our friends.
It was not a simple tusk and it take a long time to our tainer Peik Johanssen to transfer the knowledge to the participants.But all in all he was succeeded.
To my side I have linked with Peik,Mark and Deo.
From there we take our time to practice much on how to use internet as a tool of a modern journalist.
We visited a number of websites such as bbc swahili,voice of America,Aljazeera etc just to mention a few.
Lastly we have lean about Journalistic research via internet and take a time to practice on how a journalist can go through his/her research through the internet.
Thank you!!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
To day we have opened a day by writing a shot notice about what we have come through yesterday.
Then we have spent a time to come across different popular websites such as google and yahoo etc.
We have also learn how to view pictures and videos via Internet and here we have tried to see as much example as we can.
We learn also about internet in every day journalism and we look how internet is a tool in journalism in the following areas like checking facts,spellings and names.
We have read some stories in different newspapers via internet and such kind of things.
And we also learn about face book and its advantages to a modern life,some of us have already engaged themselves in the face book for quite sometime.
Thank you!!
Then we have spent a time to come across different popular websites such as google and yahoo etc.
We have also learn how to view pictures and videos via Internet and here we have tried to see as much example as we can.
We learn also about internet in every day journalism and we look how internet is a tool in journalism in the following areas like checking facts,spellings and names.
We have read some stories in different newspapers via internet and such kind of things.
And we also learn about face book and its advantages to a modern life,some of us have already engaged themselves in the face book for quite sometime.
Thank you!!
About the news paper which I usually read as a source of daily information.
Arusha 16 th,2010
About the news paper which I usually read as a source of daily information.
The paper is MWANANCHI a Swahili leading news paper in TANZANIA as they present themselves to their readers.
The reason behind why I prefer to read this paper daily is here below;
1.The layout of the paper.
4.Contents of the paper.
6.The paper is not bias compared to other paper without mentioning for my security purposes.
Another important thing I do like in MWANANCHI is about Feature stories in this paper which is not only realistic but also current and straight without fear like what is written to other papers.
MWANANCHI also have strong entertainment and sports desk which bring about all current sports news happening all over the world.
Lastly is because of their most popular cartoons like KIPANYA,Bi Mkora and Chezo.
Assalaam alaykum!!
About the news paper which I usually read as a source of daily information.
The paper is MWANANCHI a Swahili leading news paper in TANZANIA as they present themselves to their readers.
The reason behind why I prefer to read this paper daily is here below;
1.The layout of the paper.
4.Contents of the paper.
6.The paper is not bias compared to other paper without mentioning for my security purposes.
Another important thing I do like in MWANANCHI is about Feature stories in this paper which is not only realistic but also current and straight without fear like what is written to other papers.
MWANANCHI also have strong entertainment and sports desk which bring about all current sports news happening all over the world.
Lastly is because of their most popular cartoons like KIPANYA,Bi Mkora and Chezo.
Assalaam alaykum!!
About Internet Training
ARUSHA,16 th November,2010
Yesterday was the first day of our work shop about Internet Training.
About twenty participants attended during the first day.
The training started by a welcoming note from Cecilia who is one of our facilitator from MISA TAN,followed by Intortoduction among the participants.
At the very beggining of the training our instructor Pek Johansson,introduced to all participants all about the taining and why is important to a morden journalist to under go such kind of training.
Ofcourse he gave the participants a chance to explain themselves in which way they use internet in their day to day life of journalism.
From there Mr Johanssen started to give out the first topic which was about Aim And content where we come across How internet have changed societies and Communication.
Under this topic we have learn about how the Internet use have brought speed changes in societies and how it make communication easier especially in media houses.
We have also come across in general on how internet has changed socitties.
We also learn how to buy tickets in a very morden way using Internet.This was not a simple tusk to me and I still need more practice.
Lastly but not least we learn about the Blogg and each participant opened his/her own blog.
Biefly that is how we spent the first day of our Taining about internet use.
Thank you!!
ARUSHA,16 th November,2010
Yesterday was the first day of our work shop about Internet Training.
About twenty participants attended during the first day.
The training started by a welcoming note from Cecilia who is one of our facilitator from MISA TAN,followed by Intortoduction among the participants.
At the very beggining of the training our instructor Pek Johansson,introduced to all participants all about the taining and why is important to a morden journalist to under go such kind of training.
Ofcourse he gave the participants a chance to explain themselves in which way they use internet in their day to day life of journalism.
From there Mr Johanssen started to give out the first topic which was about Aim And content where we come across How internet have changed societies and Communication.
Under this topic we have learn about how the Internet use have brought speed changes in societies and how it make communication easier especially in media houses.
We have also come across in general on how internet has changed socitties.
We also learn how to buy tickets in a very morden way using Internet.This was not a simple tusk to me and I still need more practice.
Lastly but not least we learn about the Blogg and each participant opened his/her own blog.
Biefly that is how we spent the first day of our Taining about internet use.
Thank you!!
ARUSHA,16 th November,2010
Yesterday was the first day of our work shop about Internet Training.
About twenty participants attended during the first day.
The training started by a welcoming note from Cecilia who is one of our facilitator from MISA TAN,followed by Intortoduction among the participants.
At the very beggining of the training our instructor Pek Johansson,introduced to all participants all about the taining and why is important to a morden journalist to under go such kind of training.
Ofcourse he gave the participants a chance to explain themselves in which way they use internet in their day to day life of journalism.
From there Mr Johanssen started to give out the first topic which was about Aim And content where we come across How internet have changed societies and Communication.
Under this topic we have learn about how the Inernet use have brought speed changes in societies and how it make communication easier especially in media houses.
We have also come across in general on how internet has changed socitties.
We also learn how to buy tickets in a very morden way using Internet.This was not a simple tusk to me and I still need more practice.
Lastly but not least we learn about the Blogg and each participant opened his/her own blog.
Biefly that is how we spent the first day of our Taining about internet use.
Thank you!!
ARUSHA,16 th November,2010
Yesterday was the first day of our work shop about Internet Training.
About twenty participants attended during the first day.
The training started by a welcoming note from Cecilia who is one of our facilitator from MISA TAN,followed by Intortoduction among the participants.
At the very beggining of the training our instructor Pek Johansson,introduced to all participants all about the taining and why is important to a morden journalist to under go such kind of training.
Ofcourse he gave the participants a chance to explain themselves in which way they use internet in their day to day life of journalism.
From there Mr Johanssen started to give out the first topic which was about Aim And content where we come across How internet have changed societies and Communication.
Under this topic we have learn about how the Inernet use have brought speed changes in societies and how it make communication easier especially in media houses.
We have also come across in general on how internet has changed socitties.
We also learn how to buy tickets in a very morden way using Internet.This was not a simple tusk to me and I still need more practice.
Lastly but not least we learn about the Blogg and each participant opened his/her own blog.
Biefly that is how we spent the first day of our Taining about internet use.
Thank you!!
Monday, November 15, 2010
mcmsoffe profile
Ladies and Gentlemen!
My name is Mohamed Msoffe,a radio journalist and presenter working with Radio 5 Arusha,based in Arusha Town northern East Tanzania.
I am also working with my private company known as Ceremonial Consultancy Inc which deals with all ceremonial services such as event planning,video shooting,hiring music for different occasions and also am standing as a master of ceremony(mc).
By the time been I am attending a workshop about Internet use for journalist organized by Misa Tan.
The workshop is taking place at University Computing Center Arusha Branch.
Thanks to organizer MISA TAN, it is my wish that after 5 days of workshop I will be speaking another language as far as the internate knowledge is concerned.
Assalaam Alaykum!!
ARUSHA 15 th November,2010
My name is Mohamed Msoffe,a radio journalist and presenter working with Radio 5 Arusha,based in Arusha Town northern East Tanzania.
I am also working with my private company known as Ceremonial Consultancy Inc which deals with all ceremonial services such as event planning,video shooting,hiring music for different occasions and also am standing as a master of ceremony(mc).
By the time been I am attending a workshop about Internet use for journalist organized by Misa Tan.
The workshop is taking place at University Computing Center Arusha Branch.
Thanks to organizer MISA TAN, it is my wish that after 5 days of workshop I will be speaking another language as far as the internate knowledge is concerned.
Assalaam Alaykum!!
ARUSHA 15 th November,2010
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